Friday, September 30, 2011

Fancy Fridays: Glamming Up Your Fall Decorations

If you are needing, wanting, have a burning desire to make your fall decorations more glamorous, this is the post for your inspiration! I love el naturale decorations, but the other part of me craves sparkles, lace, polka dots, shimmer and shine. These will make your place a little extra dazzling. A few of the pictures even have links to the do-it-yourself projects. If you want to take your decorations a notch up, here are some pretty fun ideas. Enjoy!

Awesome DIY project for these pumpkins here.

DIY project here.

via {Pinterest}

DIY project here.

DIY here.

What do you think of sparkly pumpkins?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Decorating with Drapey Curtains

I know drapey isn’t a word in the English dictionary yet, but I love drapey curtains. Thick, sheer, soft or shiny, make them drape and I love them. I love when they get those sweet folds, and fall gently to the ground. Wow, I’d be fab at writing juicy romance novels! There is something very classy about these curtains. I’d even argue they are rather glamorous, depending how you worked them. Here is a little inspiration for your abode. Enjoy!

via {Shaun Smith Home}

Note: I much prefer wood head decor over real heads. Unless you are a hunting enthusiast and hunt the animal yourself, behead it, eat the meat, dole out the parts properly, I'm going to say, not cool. They are more of a trophy, not a trend. Stick to the wood heads if heads on the wall are your thing.  That said, aren't those blue velvet curtains stunning?!

via {langnese}

What do you think of drapey curtains?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Colors in the Home

Fall colors. They aren’t just colors for fall decorating! I absolutely adore the rich pallet of hues. If you ask me, these rooms look fabulous through all the seasons! I think decorating with these colors in your space makes it very cozy and chic. Who wouldn’t want that? Plus, I’ve been told fall colors are my season color, so it’ll make me look prettier, right? J  Well, regardless if I’m in the room or not, these colors will make any space look pretty dreamy! Don’t you think? J Definitely don’t be shy about using color! Enjoy!

What do you think about fall colors in the home?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Designer Appreciation Day: Kelly Wearstler

Kelly Wearstler. She is all over the internet. And if you haven’t seen her all over the place, you are not poking around on very many sites. I most definitely see why she is all over the place and why everyone is infatuated. Her colors. Her playfulness. Her vibrancy. Muah. Magnificent. As playful as she is, it is obvious how serious she takes her designs. I see no flaws. Not to mention, she designs her own clothes, shoes, furniture pieces, knobs, everything. Her rooms could not be more Wearstler. Have you seen a more glamorous floor than the one in the last picture? I wonder if she designed it. If you want more Kelly Wearstler eye candy, visit her blog at My Vibe Life.

What do you think of the lovely Kelly Wearstler's designs?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cozy Little Mantels

I love mantels. They are a perfect place for your beautiful accents and favorite photos. I grew up in a cold place, so fireplaces have a special spot in my heart. You can dress them up or keep them simple. In my opinion, they add so much to the home. So, if you are lucky enough to have one, take advantage. Make it good. :-) Use it every now and then and get cozy! Enjoy!

via {Lonny}

via {High Gloss magazine}

What do you think of these mantels?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fancy Fridays: Fall Décor Carries On

By now we are in starting to experience the fall season and those of you with actual seasons (unlike LA) are probably enjoying the crisp and fresh air. Lucky you. These natural fall accents make for a very cozy home. And if you don’t have seasons (like me) they will help get you in the mood. I believe it is very important to make your home a place you value spending time. In my opinion, it’s the little things like these, celebrating the seasons that make life that much more fun. So, a few flowers here, some candles over there and your place will be lovely Dah-ling.  As for my friends in the southern hemisphere, I’m sure you are rather excited about your springtime rolling around. Maybe these ideas will inspire you six months from now. :-)  Wherever you live, create a delightful home.  Enjoy!

What do you like most about the fall season?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Touch of Vintage for the Office

I don’t know about you, but the people I know, including myself, spend a fair bit of time at our desks. If you’re going to spend some time at your desk, you should make it lovely. It’s easy to have any old desk and chair, but really it should be a place you enjoy spending time. Do it up so you love it. Just a touch of decorating will make it look fab. Nothing too extravagant. Simple is sexy. These vintage looking desks are definitely a place where I would love to spend my time! I love the look of mixing a vintage style desk with a touch of technology. Very sharp!

via {Decorista}

via {Lonny}

via {Decor8}

What do you like at your workspace?